The festivities began the Wednesday before where Sarah, Karren, and I met up with Aja for a special Halloween night at OMSI. With the Bowden's extensive costume wardrobe and Karren's giant panties, we easily took first place.
Once Halloween arrived, we had a full day planned. Sonya wore her duck costume to the church party. We ate, played games, and went Trunk or Treating. I am proud to say that she said Trick or Treat and Thank You at each trunk.
Later that evening, we went Trick or Treating with the Barkers and the Morgans. Sonya wore the chicken costume her Great Grandma Glee sent her. It was perfect, cute, and warm. The boys ran ahead leaving us with the three girls, Lyla, Sonya, and Sydney. It was so much fun watching them. Sonya got too comfortable after a while and started letting herself into people's homes. How does one instill stranger danger into one's offspring? We will have to work on that.
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